Lhcb2.1 protein encoding a subunit of the light harvesting complex II. Member of a gene family with high degree of sequence similarity. Initially LHCB2.3 was considered as a separate gene but appears to be an allele of LHCB2.1.
Computational Description
photosystem II light harvesting complex gene 2.1 (LHCB2.1); FUNCTIONS IN: chlorophyll binding; INVOLVED IN: response to salt stress, response to blue light, response to red light, response to far red light, photosynthesis; LOCATED IN: in 7 components; EXPRESSED IN: 12 plant structures; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Chlorophyll A-B binding protein (InterPro:IPR001344); BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: photosystem II light harvesting complex gene 2.2 (TAIR:AT2G05070.1); Has 2375 Blast hits to 2314 proteins in 223 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 4; Fungi - 0; Plants - 2059; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 312 (source: NCBI BLink).
non-LTR retrotransposon family (LINE), has a 2.6e-51 P-value blast match to GB:NP_038603 L1 repeat, Tf subfamily, member 23 (LINE-element) (Mus musculus)