NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
Curator Summary
NAC-domain protein. Involved in root cap development. Involved in a regulatory feedback loop with FEZ. FEZ activates SMB in hte root cap daughter cells soon after division, and SMB in turn represses FEZ expression in these cells, thereby preventing further stem cell divisions.
Computational Description
SOMBRERO (SMB); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: No apical meristem (NAM) protein (InterPro:IPR003441); BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: NAC domain containing protein 70 (TAIR:AT4G10350.1); Has 5042 Blast hits to 4339 proteins in 312 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 299; Metazoa - 1017; Fungi - 76; Plants - 3059; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 591 (source: NCBI BLink).
NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
Curator Summary
NAC-domain protein. Involved in root cap development. Involved in a regulatory feedback loop with FEZ. FEZ activates SMB in hte root cap daughter cells soon after division, and SMB in turn represses FEZ expression in these cells, thereby preventing further stem cell divisions.
Computational Description
SOMBRERO (SMB); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: No apical meristem (NAM) protein (InterPro:IPR003441); BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: NAC domain containing protein 70 (TAIR:AT4G10350.1); Has 35333 Blast hits to 34131 proteins in 2444 species: Archae - 798; Bacteria - 22429; Metazoa - 974; Fungi - 991; Plants - 531; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 9610 (source: NCBI BLink).
NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
Curator Summary
NAC-domain protein. Involved in root cap development. Involved in a regulatory feedback loop with FEZ. FEZ activates SMB in hte root cap daughter cells soon after division, and SMB in turn represses FEZ expression in these cells, thereby preventing further stem cell divisions.
Computational Description
SOMBRERO (SMB); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: No apical meristem (NAM) protein (InterPro:IPR003441); BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: NAC domain containing protein 70 (TAIR:AT4G10350.1); Has 35333 Blast hits to 34131 proteins in 2444 species: Archae - 798; Bacteria - 22429; Metazoa - 974; Fungi - 991; Plants - 531; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 9610 (source: NCBI BLink).