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Results: 2201 - 2250 of 16337 records

  1. ET13713 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G39760 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INV...
    AT4G39770 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: catalytic activity,...
  2. ET13715 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G01130 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: hydrolase activity, acting on e...
  3. ET13716 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G00060 maternal effect embryo arrest 44 (MEE44); FUNCTIONS IN: nucleotidyltransferase activity; INVOLVED...
  4. ET13717 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT5G09610 pumilio 21 (PUM21); FUNCTIONS IN: RNA binding, binding; LOCATED IN: cellular_component unknown; C...
    AT5G10690 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein / CBS domain-containing protein; INVOLVED IN: b...
  5. ET13718 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G39040 RNA-binding CRS1 / YhbY (CRM) domain protein; FUNCTIONS IN: RNA binding; INVOLVED IN: biological_...
  6. ET13719 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G26230 "cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily B, polypeptide 24" (CYP71B24); FUNCTIONS IN: ele...
    AT3G44970 Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: electron carrier activity, monooxygenase activ...
    AT3G44980 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT2G07215.1); ...
  7. ET13720 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G28110 serine carboxypeptidase-like 45 (SCPL45); FUNCTIONS IN: serine-type carboxypeptidase activity; IN...
  8. ET13721 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G23980 cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 6 (CNGC6); FUNCTIONS IN: calmodulin binding; INVOLVED IN: respons...
    AT2G23985 unknown protein; Has 35333 Blast hits to 34131 proteins in 2444 species: Archae - 798; Bacteria -...
  9. ET13722 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G57850 Toll-Interleukin-Resistance (TIR) domain family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: transmembrane receptor act...
    AT1G57860 Translation protein SH3-like family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: structural constituent of ribosome; IN...
  10. ET13723 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G02065 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: helicase ...
  11. ET13724 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G12700 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: aspartic-type endopeptidase activity; ...
  12. ET13725 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G15010 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT2G01300.1); ...
  13. ET13726 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G14780 MAC/Perforin domain-containing protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Membrane attack complex compo...
  14. ET13727 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G00140 embryo sac development arrest 34 (EDA34); INVOLVED IN: polar nucleus fusion; LOCATED IN: chloropl...
    AT4G00150 HAIRY MERISTEM 3 (HAM3); FUNCTIONS IN: sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activit...
  15. ET13728 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT5G44300 Dormancy/auxin associated family protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Dormancyauxin associated (I...
  16. ET13729 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G63460 transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown...
    AT3G63470 serine carboxypeptidase-like 40 (scpl40); FUNCTIONS IN: serine-type carboxypeptidase activity; IN...
  17. ET13730 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G20960 Cytidine/deoxycytidylate deaminase family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: hydrolase activity, zinc ion bin...
  18. ET13731 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G72310 ATL3; FUNCTIONS IN: zinc ion binding; EXPRESSED IN: 22 plant structures; EXPRESSED DURING: 13 gro...
  19. ET13732 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G62950 leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: protein serine/thr...
  20. ET13733 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G22470 protease inhibitor/seed storage/lipid transfer protein (LTP) family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: lipid ...
  21. ET13735 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G65580 FRAGILE FIBER3 (FRA3); FUNCTIONS IN: inositol or phosphatidylinositol phosphatase activity; EXPRE...
    AT1G65585 pseudogene, similar to oj991113_30.20, blastp match of 25% identity and 8.9e-08 P-value to GP|217...
  22. ET13736 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G06370 sodium hydrogen exchanger 4 (NHX4); FUNCTIONS IN: sodium:hydrogen antiporter activity, sodium ion...
  23. ET13737 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G36010 E2F transcription factor 3 (E2F3); FUNCTIONS IN: DNA binding, sequence-specific DNA binding trans...
  24. ET13738 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G02460 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: polygalacturonase activity; INVOLVED IN: car...
    AT1G02470 Polyketide cyclase/dehydrase and lipid transport superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_fun...
  25. ET13739 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G26147 unknown protein; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; Has 30201 Blast hits to 17322 proteins in 780 s...
  26. ET13740 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G31772 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; Has 35333 Blast hits to 341...
    AT1G31780 CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Conserved oligomeric complex COG6 (InterPro:IPR010490); Has 384 Blast...
  27. ET13741 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
  28. ET13743 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G65840 polyamine oxidase 4 (PAO4); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Amine oxidase (InterPro:IPR002937), Flavi...
  29. ET13746 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G02050 K+ uptake transporter 3 (KUP3); FUNCTIONS IN: potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity; I...
    AT3G02060 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative; FUNCTIONS IN: in 6 functions; INVOLVED IN: DNA repair, regulati...
  30. ET13747 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G70540 embryo sac development arrest 24 (EDA24); FUNCTIONS IN: enzyme inhibitor activity, pectinesterase...
    AT2G01320 ABC-2 type transporter family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane mo...
  31. ET13748 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
  32. ET13749 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G35100 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 3 (PIP3); FUNCTIONS IN: water channel activity; INVOLVED IN: re...
  33. ET13750 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G02970 GDA1/CD39 nucleoside phosphatase family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: hydrolase activity; INVOLVED IN: b...
    AT2G02980 ORGANELLE TRANSCRIPT PROCESSING 85 (OTP85); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Pentatricopeptide repeat ...
  34. ET13751 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G20080 unknown protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknow...
    AT3G29767 pseudogene, similar to putative AP endonuclease/reverse transcriptase, blastp match of 35% ident...
  35. ET13752 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G13550 Protein of unknown function (DUF1262); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Protein of unknown function DU...
    AT4G35100 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 3 (PIP3); FUNCTIONS IN: water channel activity; INVOLVED IN: re...
  36. ET13753 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G29767 pseudogene, similar to putative AP endonuclease/reverse transcriptase, blastp match of 35% ident...
  37. ET13754 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G29767 pseudogene, similar to putative AP endonuclease/reverse transcriptase, blastp match of 35% ident...
    AT4G00180 YABBY3 (YAB3); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: High mobility group, superfamily (InterPro:IPR009071),...
  38. ET13756 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G75690 DnaJ/Hsp40 cysteine-rich domain superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: unfolded protein binding, heat...
    AT1G75700 HVA22-like protein G (HVA22G); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: TB2/DP1/HVA22 related protein (InterPr...
    AT3G15800 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: cation binding, hydrolase activity, hydroly...
    AT3G15810 Protein of unknown function (DUF567); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Protein of unknown function DUF...
  39. ET13757 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT5G55180 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein; FUNCTIONS IN: cation binding, hydrolase activity, hydrol...
    AT5G55190 RAN GTPase 3 (RAN3); FUNCTIONS IN: protein binding, GTP binding, GTPase activity; INVOLVED IN: pr...
  40. ET13759 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G09470 Major facilitator superfamily protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Major facilitator superfamily,...
    AT3G09480 Histone superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: DNA binding; INVOLVED IN: nucleosome assembly; LOCATED...
    AT3G09490 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: binding; INVOLVED IN: phot...
    AT3G10080 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: manganese ion binding, nutrient reservoir act...
  41. ET13761 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
  42. ET13762 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT5G61350 Protein kinase superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: kinase activity; INVOLVED IN: protein amino aci...
    AT5G61680 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: pectinesterase activity; INVOLVED IN: cell w...
  43. ET13765 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G01810 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: DNA binding, zinc ion binding; INVOL...
  44. ET13768 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G17180 serine carboxypeptidase-like 33 (scpl33); FUNCTIONS IN: serine-type carboxypeptidase activity; IN...
  45. ET13769 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT1G15460 REQUIRES HIGH BORON 4 (BOR4); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Bicarbonate transporter, eukaryotic (In...
  46. ET13770 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT4G36010 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Thaumatin, pathog...
  47. ET13771 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G35345 unknown protein; Has 2 Blast hits to 2 proteins in 1 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa -...
  48. ET13773 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT2G02100 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 69 (LCR69); FUNCTIONS IN: peptidase inhibitor activity; INVOLV...
    AT4G02820 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Pentatricopeptide...
  49. ET13774 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT5G09720 Magnesium transporter CorA-like family protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: magne...
  50. ET13776 Loss of function line - CSHL Arabidopsis genetrap mutant lines
    AT3G05470 Actin-binding FH2 (formin homology 2) family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: actin binding; INVOLVED IN: c...