Results: 351 - 400 of 1692 records

  1. F28001 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / root::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size
  2. F28607 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::upturned / rosette leaf::decreased size
  3. F29036 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::decreased size
  4. K13023 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal / rosette leaf::abnormal / fruit::decreased length / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  5. K15908 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT2G38740 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: hydrolase activity,...
    rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased width / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal
  6. K19420 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G80400 RING/U-box superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: zinc ion binding; EXPRESSED IN: 22 plant structures...
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::abnormal
  7. K21003 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT5G11280 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT1G80200.1); ...
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / root::present in greater numbers in organism / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  8. K21935 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::increased width / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  9. K22049 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  10. K28517 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  11. K29007 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G59400 GENOMES UNCOUPLED 4 (GUN4); FUNCTIONS IN: tetrapyrrole binding, enzyme binding; INVOLVED IN: chlo...
    cauline leaf::increased size / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::increased size / stem::increased thickness / stem::abnormal
  12. K36403 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / seed::increased size / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  13. K44135 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased width / whole plant::decreased height
  14. R90279 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::decreased length / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  15. R90333 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    fruit::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / whole plant flowering stage::late / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  16. R90414 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::increased width / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness
  17. R90469 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT4G29840 METHIONINE OVER-ACCUMULATOR 2 (MTO2); FUNCTIONS IN: threonine synthase activity; INVOLVED IN: thr...
    rosette leaf::upturned / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::hyponastic
  18. R90619 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / fruit::decreased length / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  19. 11-6665-1 Loss of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis Ds transposon mutant lines
    AT1G65260 plastid transcriptionally active 4 (PTAC4); INVOLVED IN: vesicle organization, thylakoid membrane...
    vascular leaf::desaturated green / stem::desaturated green / sporophyte vegetative stage::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  20. 12-1171-1 Loss of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis Ds transposon mutant lines
    AT1G55325 GRAND CENTRAL (GCT); FUNCTIONS IN: RNA polymerase II transcription mediator activity; INVOLVED IN...
    petal::abnormal / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / whole plant flowering stage::late / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  21. 15-3794-1 Loss of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis Ds transposon mutant lines
    AT1G20990 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein; LOCATED IN: chloroplast; CONTAINS InterPro DOMA...
    stamen::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / petal::abnormal / stem::abnormal
  22. F05316 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / fruit::decreased length / fruit::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size
  23. F05327 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism
  24. F05530 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::dark green / stem internode::decreased length / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / cauline leaf::abnormal
  25. F05622 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G35680 Ribosomal protein L21; FUNCTIONS IN: structural constituent of ribosome, RNA binding; INVOLVED IN...
    cauline leaf::decreased size / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height
  26. F05718 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::decreased width / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / fruit::decreased thickness / fruit::decreased length
  27. F08041 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::decreased width / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem internode::decreased length
  28. F08645 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::upturned / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width
  29. F09807 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::desaturated green / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal
  30. F11838 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / stem::decreased thickness
  31. F16132 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  32. F17543 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal
  33. F19430 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size
  34. F19934 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::desaturated green / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / fruit::decreased length
  35. F21626 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size
  36. F25305 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased width / whole plant::decreased height / stem::abnormal / fruit::decreased length
  37. F26419 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::decreased size
  38. F26631 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  39. F28716 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height
  40. K20722 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::desaturated green / whole plant::decreased height / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::desaturated green
  41. K20943 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G36980 unknown protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Uncharacterised protein family UPF0220 (InterPro:IPR...
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::decreased width
  42. K21410 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  43. K24841 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G55520 FKBP-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: FK506 binding, peptid...
    rosette leaf::upturned / cauline leaf::dark green / cauline leaf::hyponastic / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  44. K27139 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G13700 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: RNA binding, nucleotide binding, n...
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::abnormal / stem::abnormal
  45. K30344 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal / stem::desaturated green / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::abnormal
  46. K36448 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::decreased size / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::increased width / stem::decreased thickness
  47. K38136 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size
  48. R90288 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::increased width / whole plant::decreased height / fruit::decreased length
  49. R90293 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::present in greater numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / flower::abnormal / fruit::decreased length / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size
  50. R90381 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    fruit::decreased length / rosette leaf::increased length / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::upturned / stem::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism